A Better Way to Build and Deliver Training
Agile Microlearning

Synaptix Learning Solutions is partnered with Ottolearn, Industrial Employee Safety, and YYC Property Solutions, as Soteria120 to deliver Agile Microlearning for the Construction Safety Training Industry.
This test case is already demonstrating the value of thinking outside the classroom “box”. This new form of training development and delivery is not only faster and cheaper, but delivers better performance results. In the construction safety world, that means lives saved and injuries prevented. What better indicator of performance could you hope for?
Head over to Soteria120.com to see this approach in action and try out a free demo. Construction Safety might not be your use case, but you’ll get to see how it works.
If you’re interested in seeing how this technology can be applied to your particular niche, get in touch for a free consultation. The amazing thing about this technology is how easily customizable it is! It’s going to be a part of every blended training program, so get started early to keep ahead of your competition.